Thursday, February 27, 2020

Exploring the Complexity of Trinity and Identifying its Applicative Term Paper

Exploring the Complexity of Trinity and Identifying its Applicative Issues Introduction - Term Paper Example Though certain aspects of the Christian teaching were passed on the Christian culture, the extent of such permeation was considered superficial. Inclusive of these failing Christian aspects was the Trinity. The scope of the study covers two major themes: the exploration of the complexities surrounding the purlieu of Trinity and the identification of issues in terms of applying the concept of Trinity in the Christian life. Thus, this work attempts to provide answers and insights to questions and themes involving the current state of the Trinity in the Christian worship, the collection of the Trinity’s perspective-critiques, and the application issues. The overall structure shall be inclusive of the methodology; this feature aims to present the method followed in the coverage of this paper’s scope and inherent objectives. The structure of the paper also consists of the purview and critiques assigned for the complexity-exploration and the application issues for the identif ication section. Apart from these main sections, the paper shall also brief some implications of this study in the conclusions-part. Moreover, while the critiques of the Trinitarian concept successfully warranted its spot in the controversial light, its significance is, nevertheless, uncontested. As a direct, symbolical aspect of the Christian worship, the Trinity’s contribution to the development of the Christian’s strength in faith is at its edge. The reliance to ambiguous Christian aspects, such as the Trinity, is considered to be the thorn of Christian worship and, probably, faith. Methodology To effectively present the exploration and identification of Trinitarian concepts and application, the study conveniently divided the themes to three focuses. The first focus, ‘The Trinity,’ presented the basics of the Christian aspect, namely: manifestations, Bible dereference, and the visualization approaches. These parts served to illustrate the Trinityâ€℠¢s foundations and the nature thereof. Moreover, this first focus is the first part of the exploration on the Trinity’s complexity. The second focus and the last part of this complexity-exploration is the headed, ‘Critiques.’ This part elaborated the components revolving around the ambiguity of the Trinity. It may include, but are not limited to, the compromise of God’s main concept, the wording of the Trinitarian concept, the opposing Social Doctrine of the Trinity as well as the inferiority of the creator god to the redeemer god. The last focus, the ‘Applicative Issues,’ deals with the circumstantial issues on applying the Trinity in Christian life. Though its presence in worship made the Trinitarian concept conceivable, its extension to the Christian way of life was soberly uncharted. Evidently, this last focus, which will shed light of the Trinity’s applicative issues, is the component of the second main theme (i.e. issue-identifica tion). The conclusion then closes the whole exploration and identification process by determining the implications of the study, as well as providing aspects of the Trinitarian research that are promising and uncovered. The Trinity, at a Glance The explicit manifestation of the Trinitarian interpretation were immortalized by the Bible verses (i.e. Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corinthians 13:14) that were incorporated in the Catholic

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Learning style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning style - Essay Example Solitary is my best way of learning, where I carry out study on my own. Some prefer studying through social or group discussions among other styles. The reflection matches with mine since I have the unique learning style that I also prefer most, in addition, I also combine other learning styles as mentioned above. Generally, I prefer the use of solitary learning style which involves personal learning that does not involve the help of the other people. Personally, I am very shy to talk in front of other people, therefore, I do not feel comfortable in the other style like social which has to involve many people as well as the group discussions that will do have to contribute. Even though group discussions are good study habits, I do not participate so much when it comes to the group study. I do not speak so much in class, and I like keeping everything to myself, and fail to participate in the group discussion, or class participation like answering questions, demonstrations among others. Being a Non-American, I am afraid of raising my hand in front of other learners even when I know the answer because I feel they might laugh or mock me. Since I do not have the courage to face everyone, I do not contribute so much in class. Even though I do not interact so much with people, but I relate with very social friends. Physically, I enjoy playing with other people. Even though I do not talk too much, I use a lot of vocabulary to write (Erickson, p 12). My current study habit is that reading on my own in a quiet place, by so doing, I realize that I utilize my time well when I am seriously studying alone than when being with others. In fact, I sometimes prefer locking myself alone in the room to avoid external distractions. In my current study, I find it not working well with my learning style since; I realize that I need to combine a number of my learning style in order to achieve my objectives. I would prefer to adopt group