Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mr. M. H. S Glucose Level - 2132 Words

It was 2 a.m. when Mr. H, a 52 year old man, arrived to the Emergency Department accompanied by his brother complaining of dizziness and hyperglycemia. Upon arrival Mr. H’s glucose level was 500 mg/dl. It was not the first time for Mr. H to visit the Emergency Department complaining of glucose intolerance; he is a regular visitor. In addition to diabetes, Mr. H has a history of hypertension, dyslipidemia, vision and respiratory problems. He was treated with insulin and put under supervision for 24 hours. Once his glucose reached normal level, he was given brief instructions and discharged. Mr. H. works as an industrial engineer away from his family and he is busy most of the time. Due to his work, he spends most of the time in the†¦show more content†¦The nurse started to ask Mr. H. some questions about his disease and she discovered that he did not have the minimum knowledge about diabetes or how to control it; he did not even know how to use the glucometer to check his blood glucose level. Mr. H’s nurse was trying hard to convince him to attend diabetic lectures and read to gain the knowledge needed to prevent the consequences of diabetes, but again he used the time to make excuses. In 2003, Mr. H was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease. Therefore, he had to go to the dialysis unit three times a week. Due to this problem, he decided to retire so he would be able to go to the dialysis sessions. Mr. H was committed in going to his dialysis session, but still according to him, he could not change his lifestyle and eating habits. Three years later, his physician decided to do peritoneal dialysis for him. Mr. H’s daughter was taught how to perform it for him at home. Mr. H’s conditions started to deteriorate and he went into depression since he became dependent on others to an extent that he did not want to take a bath. Mr. H refused to take his insulin dose and his daughter was worried. In fact, Mr. H was much more worried because he knew that two of his daughters were diagnosed with diabetes and he did not want them to suffer. Mr. H continued to resist taking his insulin dose and other medications. In August 13, 2005, Mr. H presented to the Emergency Department complaining of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Qualiity Assurance Essay - 862 Words

043: Manage quality in health and social care or children and young people’s settings. Analyse how legislative and regulatory frameworks inform quality standards that apply to the work setting. The main regulatory framework that we follow is the EYFS welfare requirements. The requirements are broken down into sections: * The learning and development requirements This details how we must work in partnership with parents and carers, promote the areas of learning preparing them for school. It ensures we support families that has English as an additional language and highlights the need for key workers. * Assessment This section describes how we, as practitioners, monitor how the children are progressing and in which areas.†¦show more content†¦5. English as an additional language has a clearer focus 6. Wrap-around care now does not need to deliver the EYFS when the time the child spends there is limited. 7. With regard to child protection there is examples of adult’s behaviour which may indicate child abuse and neglect. 8. Again with regard to child protection the EYFS now has strict guidelines about the use of mobile phones and cameras. 9. The decision of who is a suitable person to manage a setting has been simplified and returned to the hands of the setting owner with guidelines. 10. Supervision of staff is compulsory and has been detailed to ensure encouragement of continual professional development. 11. Childminders must complete training in the EYFS. 12. There may be some exceptions to the staff:child ratios. 13. It is now up to the providers to carry out and judge risk a ssessments; they must be recorded in writing. Analyse how quality standards influence positive outcomes for individuals. Parents and carers * They receive a high quality standard of childcare and education. * They are secure in the knowledge that their child is in a safe, secure environment. * They are kept well informed about their child progress through a good partnership with the setting. * Through positive inclusion all parents and carers will feel valued within the setting with their opinions listened to. * They can feelShow MoreRelatedQuality Assurance : The Act Of Giving Confidence1655 Words   |  7 PagesThe phrases â€Å"quality assurance† and â€Å"quality control† are frequently used interchangeably to refer to methods of ensuring the quality of a service or product. These phrases, however, have different meanings. â€Å"ï » ¿ Assurance: The act of giving confidence, the state of being certain or the act of making certain. Quality Assurance: The planned and systematic activities implemented in a quality system so that quality requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled. Control: An evaluation to indicate

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Electrical Utility Deregulation Essay Example For Students

Electrical Utility Deregulation Essay Electrical utility deregulation is the process of transforming electricalutility companies from regulated monopolies to market-driven suppliers ofcompetitive energy and services. (Reliant Energy HLP 1999) It means thatcustomers will have the ability to choose their electrical supplier. Todaysutility customers want lower prices, more choice, and better service as well asreliability. The deregulation of other industries such as railroad, trucking,natural gas, and telecommunications has shown people that choice can providebetter value. The deregulated electric utility industry would look and act a lotlike the long distance phone business. The market would set electricity rates. Sharp increases or decreases in the cost of fuel or customer volume would affectthe prices. Prices have decreased even without deregulation however. Accordingto the Edison Electrical Institute, real electricity prices have dropped 27percent in the last 15 years. But with deregulation there is the potential thatthey will drop even more. The main issue that is of concern to electricalutility companies is stranded costs. Stranded costs are the past investmentsutilities were obligated to make in the regulated electric system. Theseinvestments were prudently incurred and government-approved to ensurereliability of supply and were partially recovered through customers rates. (Reliant Energy HLP 1999) Electrical utilities believe the recovery of pastinvestments should be part of the overall deregulation process since they willbe hard to recover in an open, competitive marketplace. If this issue isresolved to the satisfaction of the utility companies, it will open the way forderegulation. As stated in the previous page, the main obstacle to electricalutility deregulation is stranded costs. Two of the main issues surroundingstranded costs are their impact on electricity prices and stranded costs willaffect the financial viability of an individual electrical utility. It is hardto determine exactly how much stranded cost will be. They have been estimated tobe anywhere from 10 billion to more than 500 billion. And stranded costs may behigher in some parts of the country than in others. According to Research DataInternational, 86 percent of the stranded costs lie in 10 states that have 43percent of the electricity market. California is at the top of the list,fo llowed by New York, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Georgia,Massachusetts, and Connecticut. The utility companies want to be able to recovermost of if not all of their stranded costs, and if they are not able toelectrical prices may be higher because of it. Another problem that has arisenis the concern over possible environmental and social protections built inthrough regulation would be lost. The Utility Workers Union of America believesthat a competitive market would give profit driven companies an incentive topromote consumption, which would undermine many of the conservation programsthat are promoted today. I think that we should not rush to judgement on theseproblems. Many states are implementing deregulation, and we will see exactlywhat happens and doesnt happen during these experimental times. Similarconcerns were raised before the airline industry was deregulated, but it workedout just fine. There are 3 main objectives that electrical utility deregulationhop es to achieve. First and foremost are lower utility rates. Granted thatutility rates are relatively low at the present time, with deregulation thereexists the potential for them to be even lower. Businesses would have the mostto gain from deregulation because of the large amounts of electricity that theyutilize. They would be able to use the money saved on other methods or capitalto better serve their customers. The everyday household would benefit becauseinstead of having to purchase all the services from a utility company, theywould have the option to purchase only some of them, or choose a differentcompany of their liking. Secondly, better quality of service and product as aresult of the competition is another objective of deregulation. With manydifferent companies competing for customers, the companies will not benefit fromproducing an inferior product or poor service. The customers will simply taketheir business elsewhere. Prices will also be lower, because all the companieswil l be trying to entice customers with the lowest rates. Competition is whatmade the American economy into what it is today. It is a vital component ofcapitalism. The freedom of choice enjoyed in a capitalist system is so oftentaken for granted. It is what this nation was founded upon. The third objectiveof deregulation is the creation of more jobs through privatization. Withderegulation there will be many more utility companies forming with the adventof an open market. These new companies will obviously need to hire people. Notjust for their installers and service crews, but salespeople, office personnel,shipping and receiving clerks, stock clerks, order pullers, and many otherpositions. So jobs are Created not only for the skilled utility laborers, butalso for people with sales experience, office training, and people seekingentry-level positions such as stock clerks and shipping and receiving personnel. Etymology of Court EssayTherefore they feel they should be compensated for their investments becausethey were required by the government to build more plants and enter long-termcontracts. If the national plan for deregulation includes an effective andfeasible way to recover stranded costs, it would answer the main problemconcerning deregulation. That would probably be the thing that would bring mosteveryone on board right there. As far as the problem regarding possible loss ofsocial and environmental protections, the government could pass legislation thatwould require the private companies to operate within social and environmentalboundaries. We wont know if this is going to be a major problem yet, thegovernment is doing the right thing by allowing the states to experiment withderegulation. That way the kinks can be worked out with as little Trouble aspossible. You are going to have your bad apples in the bunch, some people justwant to make as much money as they possibly can. They dont care if theydestroy the environment or alienate people. But measures need to be taken toensure that the people and companies that choose to operate in that manner aredealt with harshly. If they are allowed to get away with it then deregulationcould become quite a disaster. We are on the verge of a major change with theadvent of electrical utility deregulation. It couldnt have come to light at abetter time, here at the end of the 20th century. The face of business haschanged many times throughout the course of American history without manyproblems. Deregulation presents a whole world of opportunities for business aswell as the consumer. Entrepreneurs are afforded a marvelous opportunity. Theability to start or get in on the ground floor of a new and potentiallylucrative business.